Saturday, January 12, 2008

Have you not heard? Have you not seen? Have you not known?

Just a random phrase thats been in my head for the past whole 2 months. I just felt that I needed to use it as the blog title.

I haven't blogged since I went to Malaysia. Thats really long. Quite alot of things have happened during the course of these weeks.

Lets see.

I went to Malaysia for 2 weeks as a yearly tradition of visiting relatives. This means that I don't really go out and have fun in Malaysia, eg. sight seeing, shopping. My entertainment consists of playing with my 3 cousins and listening to my uncle talk to me about nearly anything and everything. Well, had quite some fun this time round since I bought those airsoft guns in Malaysia and played with it there. Though Singapore banned it, I guess I can't bring it back to Singapore can I?

For this trip, my uncle talked to me often about topics in life, mainly because me and my brother were the only ones in the living room at 1am. I find it interesting and nice since hes the only one in my mother's side of the family with a rather strong grasp of English for a Malaysian, not that I am insulting them but I think my blog readers get the point. Either way, hes the uncle that talks to me most compared to my other uncles and aunties.

He told me about his life in his younger days, when he was studying in a private college in Malaysia for his A' levels which was a big thing in the past, around the 1980s I guess. He was 1 of those big time Ah bengs in the school at that time.

He would eat his food in the lectures if it was after a break because it was kind of the trend of the bengs there at that time. He would take a seat in the first row of benches and put his bowl on the table then eat in front of the lecturers. No one would dare sit beside or near him other than his group of bengs lol. Sometimes when a guy just sat a few seats away from him and he would stare at the guy and the guy would just move off, he had an aura of absolute fear. That was kind of funny according to him. The lecturer usually would tell him that he wouldn't really care what my uncle does in his lecture, except that he shouldn't disturb the others who want to listen during the lecture. My uncle also revealed that the staff didn't really care about the discipline as long as you paid your school fees.

Then there were the other funny stuff. There was once his friend who just took off his shirt after a soccer game during a break. He then washed his hair in the water cooler which was in front of the whole canteen. Imagine the picture of a half naked guy with soccer socks pulled up to knee level, soccer boots and shinguards, soccer gear etc. washing his hair in a water cooler in front of the school. Then my uncle told me what he said to his friend, "OI! Isaac you siao ah wash hair infront of everyone." Then it became a joke he cracks to me every now and then, suddenly will just tell me "Go study hard when u go to school, Don't be like my friend, siao one wash hair in water cooler infront of everyone."

Then there was another incident. There was this party or something in the school and he and his group of friends volunteered to prepare and give out drinks on that day. Obviously they didn't volunteer just because they wanted to. They took sleeping pills and put it into the mix of drinks that day just because they wanted to laugh at everyone drink then fall asleep. Siao ppl lol. Then the first time they throw in a handful into the drink then pass it around. They all were so happy, running around offering people drinks. Then they sat down and watched for some time, nothing. So the next mix of drinks they pour the whole bottle in, then they ran around offering drinks as usual and sat down to watch. Some time later, lo and behold, nothing happened again and for the whole party nothing ever did happen. So dissapointing but a funny recount anyway. lol

Then his orientation the first day got someone expelled. First day of school so fast expelled. The story is that it so happens that there was this girl who brought her boyfriend to the orientation. Then they were caught having sex in a car just outside the school. My uncle: "That girl must be crazy one, bring boyfriend to school to have sex then got expelled. Crazy one"

He was also telling me about how much he played around and fooled around during those days, then came the grim truth. So what if u are the most feared person in the school? Everyone either scared or look up to you or whatever. You miss out on education and you might not even be very successful in life. My uncle's friends now have those low paying jobs, taxi driver, those low paying jobs and etc. Anyway my uncle skipped his A levels to play with my other uncle(england relative) when he went over to Malaysia to visit. My uncle says he could work as something better but now hes a plumber because of that playful time. I still think he is doing well anyway, but everyone has dreams don't they?

I like stories from my uncle lol. Makes me laugh every now and then thinking about it but still it also reveals more about life.

Then I came back to Singapore on the 27th. Then the guys organised field soccer on the 28th. I remember my body was still aching during the week in Malaysia. Heh. Anyway I went and played field soccer at the same place in TP with everyone. We kinda let up terribly, but it was fun either way.

Then came the time when school started, I was late on my first day. School now seems crappy, so many things to do this year and homework is piling up. Im getting bombed by homework.
On another note, the JC1s this year seem like a nerd batch, its only the second week of PAE and they are studying like suckcocks. I can't think of a better term. :)
Oh and that also means minimum chiobus. Damn!

This post seems damn rather long. Oh and I nearly forgot. Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Even though its damn late for me to say it now.
I shall now retire from blog posting for now. I shall also put blogging on haitus as Innova is a very fucking boring school. Yes, that fufills having a vulgarity in a blog post.

In case I don't see you later, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! - Jim Carrey in The Truman Show

Little thought: Is it a good or bad thing that I don't have a sister?

PS: I didn't get anyone any present, thats a typical me.


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