Friday, December 19, 2008

Update on my holidays

Warning: This post has unknowingly grown to a larger length than usual due to side tracking and long winded-ness. Apologies to you people who can't stand long posts, besides WHEN HAVE MY POSTS EVER BEEN SHORT?

This holiday should be 1 of the longest I ever had, its going to end on 14th April when I go into the Army. Then during the Christmas season I will be going to Malaysia as usual to spend my Christmas visiting relatives from the 22nd to the 30th of December 2008. I will NOT buy stuff for you people as USUAL :)

Current run down of my schedule and when you people can expect me to be free or not, hold JQ IS OUT OF SINGAPORE PARTIES, outings which don't involve me, field soccer which I will miss. Fuck :( Always go on wrong dates.
Free dates
1) Today 19 December until 21st December.
2) After 30th when I come back from Malaysia.
So basically that makes me only free on the 1st of Jan onwards. Looking for work so probably still might not be very free. So basically that's the rundown for my current holidays.

So far I have been rotting away for so long in front of the computer that I think that my eyes will start complaining if they could. Been surfing YouTube, ED , a few rage threads in /b/, playing games, watching anime, etc. Standard rotting activities
Games played: Fallout 3, Far Cry 2,Dead Space.
Playing: Stalker: Clear sky, Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl, Dungeon runners
Animes following (After A levels): Kannagi, To Aru Majutsu no Index, Toradora, Hyakko
Animes followed (Before A levels): Code Geass season 2, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Anime Movies: The girl who leapt through time (Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo) , 5 Centimetres per second

The first movie was pretty awesome, its awesome because it nearly moved me to tears. This kind of things rarely happen to me because I'm pretty awesome. =) Anyway seriously speaking its not really easy to get me moved. The movie itself is not really those kind of generalised and stereotyped anime movies where you get super cliched love stories, plot holes and generally kiddy stories. This one is special, nice and it also redirects your focus towards things in life you take for granted and need to treasure, Time. Watch it, its definitely worth your time. Available to order from me, only burnt on DVDS. Cheap, 500 dollahs only.

I'm not really going to blog that descent into /b/ YET because I got probably better stuff to blog than that and besides, just reading ED (link above) will suffice.

So here starts the PROPER blog post. I'm a long winded blogger, somehow posts always end up longer than I expect them to be. I have been watching anime, gaming, surfing the internet, reading articles & threads, gathering information for my so called "human behaviour studies" which I think is going to be a lifelong research project of mine which I will not apply effectively to my life until I stop being a fag and wake up. During all of that I have rather raged a whole lot, mainly because I somehow find myself on the losing end, HOPEFULLY THAT'S JUST WHAT I THINK AND ITS NOT WHAT IT REALLY IS, sometimes I think I try too fucking hard to get what I want. Then when I tell myself that, I decide to relax my actions, plans, ideals and what happens next? The best chance/opportunity/time crawls past me so slowly and yet I cannot catch up and grab it, either that or I get a mind block and forget what I wanted to do.

I was just laughing at another person's fuck-up not too long ago and then I realised one thing. My school life is probably near its end, at most few more years of UNI and poof then I'm chucked into the working world. Its nearly all gone and yet that person I laughed at probably has a long road ahead of him to commit more fuck-ups. That makes me want to rage, I haven't really been living my school life to the fullest, always cruising through slacking and rotting infront of the computer, not really giving my fullest to anything, just gaming, gaming and gaming.

Speaking of which, I talked about how we should all treasure "Time". My youth days are soon running out. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK. Fuck you JQ. Fuck you.

This has been how I've been feeling these days.
If you've seen these somewhere before, You probably don't really need to read any of my future posts about /b/

This will probably be my 2nd last post before I leave for Malaysia, so here's something to remind me of what I need to blog about next. Sentosa 07S1.


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