Sunday, August 12, 2007


Is randomness a part of madness?

When people just release some random ideas floating about in their mind or maybe the butts, whichever is used for that person's brain. Most of the times it just comes out as jibberish, nonsense complete afsiofisafjiosa!

Madness is a wierd form of basic human behaviours. Normally a bit of madness once in a while often keeps a person from going insane, these little outbursts, well, ironically keep the mind in check. So if a person is showing lots of insane outbursts, sometimes its just normal.

Maybe people dont like each other just because of the outburst, judging them only on the first and last outburst they ever seen from the person, maybe the person is really much different from what their actions show. Its the hope of knowing the person that really keeps friends going, yea.

Randomness \(")/
for the win! l l
:D / \

Anyway this has sort of already turned out to be one of those wierd posts which I haven't done in months.

Maybe the world is changing, maybe its moving on and passing me by, maybe its just me. Hey wait up u oversized piece of spherical blob of mass.
Feh. I think either Im already riding on it or i just missed it. Oh well, only time will tell.

Need to study, studeeeeeey. RAWR. study. Sleep? ok Stop blogging? ok.

=) What if I in control of much more things other than myself.


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