Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Don't forget

The people you admired
These people whom you look up to, like, secretly admire, had held your interest for a period of time. These people, don't forget them, you probably admired them for an important reason.

The times you cherish
Memories, intangible things that make your heart melt, blood boil, eyes bulge, stomach churn. These priceless things are what keep people going. For example, I myself cherish alot of my memories in the form of photographs, thats one of the reasons why I took photography as my cca.

The stuff you wanted to blog about
Makes people unhappy with incomplete blog posts! You get the message..........

Rawrhahaha its my exam period.
More specifically, its my promotional exams. These should determine if /I promote to JC 2 next year. Hope I can promote, so far minimum studying on my part. Regret Regret Regret....

Reflected for the past hr or so, realised that Im very disorganised now. Essays becoming less coherent, marks dropping, getting more sian each passing day.

Ah well... back to my terrible timetable and sleeping times. Night.


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