Monday, January 28, 2008

Finaly another update

I'm getting more and more lazy to update my blog these days, can't say its school but I think its more of the entertainments that distract me, games... Yea.

I remembered another lesson my uncle was telling me about. Friends are not always the ones you can rely on. Not all that is. There are different types of friends, those that will stick with you through wind and rain, those that will desert you on the first sight of trouble and finally those that will push you all the way down just to get to the top.
You can never rely on all of your friends throughout your whole life not all of them will stick with you, though I'm not saying that you shouldn't make friends. Even though I think I could be the deserter type of friend.
Well, no story, just a life lesson. Try to make friends that will stay and help you in troubled times. Then another important one, don't be those asshole friends who will elbow their way to success. Money is what makes the world go round. :(

Now a days school is really stressful and taxing on me both physically and mentally. So tired during school, can't keep myself awake. I can't even focus my thoughts at times. If only I had more determination. Ah well. At least I'm improving in grades and physical strength a bit at a time. Can pia 5 pull ups now. Last time can't even do 1.


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