Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why settle for best when you have second best?

Then comes the next question, Why settle for best when you have third best? and then down the line and some time later.
My new question to you would be "Why settle for last when you can be first?"

Why are people now a days so complacent? Its seriously irritating when you can obtain something but yet because of the other's complacency, you can't get it because it is unavailable thanks to that complacency.

Its just like the demand and supply of a good, the demand super high, supply super low. What you get? A highly valued good, and yet? The supplier sells it off at the minimum price instead of the maximum price. Stupid right? Thats what I see on the streets everyday, in exam halls everytime and especially in Singanoobpore.

I'm another victim of this complacency and a guilty one of it too. I know that I can do well in many various areas, but yet I'm too lazy to do anything about it. Its probably because of how I grew up, screw you EVSS. lol. So little pressure to soar above the rest. Even though, I don't regret my neighbourhood schooling nor the fact that I purposely didn't want to be the best for certain reasons, nor the fact I can't do something such as typing out what should actually be here instead of this.

Comfort zone, we all have it. We don't like change, unless its for the better. Even if its a slight change but not really very beneficial to ourselves, we are lazy to change, thats complacency for you. I hate the status quo thingy that everyones loves and wants.

Ah well, I guess my grades aren't going up as I thought. Too much play. I'm a complacent boy and I love my status quo. :)

To maintain the status quo is to keep the things the way they currently are. Also meaning "the state of things as it was before."
Complacent - contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions, self-satisfied and unconcerned


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