Monday, February 25, 2008

Well, I've haven't got a proper goal in life yet

So here's something in the meantime.

I should cut down on the usage of vulgarities

Then, another small reminder why I should be motivated.

Not working hard enough for my previous aims has caused me to fall short twice. First East View then Innova jc. Though I'm not saying these 2 places suck, actually the people and experiences are quite nice but then again, everywhere too gives its own nice experiences though there are the heartbreaking ones too.

One day I'm going to draw out my own timeline and review what I've done so far and what else I've seen.

Sometimes I sigh, I look at those who didn't hit their targets, they aren't sad. Why?

They shot above their targets. Man, I want to be in a better school. Screw you stupid education system.

I also hate the abolishing of the water bomb games in JC around 2005 or 2006.

Bringing back a quote from my old post.
A Tribute to a late blogger,The Orientation Water Bomb Game Codecheeky's Three Commandments of Junior College (JC) Orientation Water Bomb Games for guys:

1. Thou shall not waste your water bombs on your fellow brothers.
2. Thou shall conspire with your fellow brothers to wet as many chicks as possible.
3. Thine pursuit shall be relentless until objective (2) is met

Well, back to emo mode it is then.


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