Saturday, August 30, 2008

Few years running

and you still don't know what are your faults?

I believe I have found someone sub-par to mok in terms of the loser level
Mok - #1 Loser of EVSS of my batch.

The person in question has been facing the same problem for probably all of his education. I blame the lack of common sense. The solution to the problems have been dangled infront of the eyes just like a carrot infront of a donkey and even served up on a silver plate. Yet, after so many years it probably hasn't been noticed nor any advice has been heeded.
Even Mok has *minimum* common sense, and I give him that.

Well anyway why do I like putting people down? Its because its fun and it serves to help the people move up to greater heights, not. Oh and the good thing about life is that I get to look down on retards/losers. I blame the Singaporean education system for shrouding my view on happiness with the mist of too much emphasis on academics.

Oh, I must build up another motivation to study soon.

Study = results = uni
Uni = Job = money
Money = PS3, Xbox360,Wii, PS4 Xbox 720, Wii 2
No Uni = Oh shit


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