Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hmm long absence.

Hey its my 168th post, which is also the bus that I take to school everyday so this means that its time for some blogging. (Finally)

Was never in a blogging mood ever since ages ago. Everyday is the same routine, wake up, school, go home, play, sleep. Notice how homework never comes into the picture, its a wonder isn't it? I'm actually in a JC but not doing any homework.

Anyway from where I last left off:

Around the 22th of April the JC2s (my batch) organised a camp for the cca. I was one of the group facilitators and the theme for group naming was cartoon characters/heroes. So since I'm in group F, I decided to use Freakazoid, what better way to promote an OLD cartoon? :)

Usual camp stuff, camp games, my group was so dead on the 1st day. However, on the 2nd day, we pwned everyone. Overall we won 2nd prize out of all the other groups. Yay
Facilitating a group is fun but I think I won't ever want to do such a thing ever again. Then again, where is the chance in Uni next time? -_-

Today there was this nation-wide principal meeting that was carried out in my school today and will continue again on Thursday 15-5-08. Was eating lunch and then saw Mr EE Chye Heng walking past. I miss his funny acts. Anyway I was eating and ended up missing the chance to shout MR EE. Damn. Hopefully I get to meet him on Thursday.

On a final note, I assure you all that my blog will not really go into another period of hibernation, I was just lazy. I hope.

So over here I had extracted some interesting verses from somewhere last year, had a look around and finally decided that I should post it.

Narrator: You have laid your hands on the flower that everyone wants.

Boy: "No! I only.... brushed it once
So that the seed within my heart can be made a perfect memory
The feelings for that flower, I have put into words
I had not even a speck of intention of harming the world"

Narrator: If there is no one there to question you, would that mean you could do anything?
Would it change what has already happened?

Narrator: And yet, you came to desire the flower that you intended to give to another
And when the time came, you wanted him to praise you - thus you gave him the flower

Girl: I am a good girl, finding this beautiful flower. Aren't I?
Shall I teach you how to take this flower too?

Narrator: By these means, you struck with your kindness, "Show me the real you"
Using the flower as your excuse, you approached him. Hypocrite.

When have you last screwed up? You've always been looking to help others, but really the question is; Have you ever took a step back to re-evaluate the situation? Have you really helped or made it worse?
What if you just thought that you've just brushed on the feelings on someone else, but your klutz had actually offended the person? Everyone should always think about what have they done, no need to frequently do so but at the very least do it once in a while.

What if you actually don't care? You ought to fuck yourself.

As Harold says from "Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo bay"
It isn't just about Kumar, Kumar, Kumar and just Kumar. Wheres the Harold ?
You aren't the reason why the world is spinning, so stop being egoistic and just take at look at yourself once in a while, you might actually discover some unhappiness from others over your acts.

Point 2: People always tend to find stepping stones.
You need help? Here, let me help you. (so that I can dump you in the sea after you have been used)
Stop letting youself be taken advantage of, no one deserves to be on the losing end and NO, it doesn't mean you should take advantage of others too.
Don't decieve just to get your way, it doesn't turn out good for the other parties involved. So what if you managed to get an A for a report or project when you just rode on the genius waves of your "friends"? (or even the moderation due to noob competitors.)

Eg. Uni engineering test.
China student: 56-60 %
China student: A
Singaporean 1: 15%
Singaporean 1: A
Singaporean 2: 5%
Singaporean 2: B

No more stepping on each other's heads just to cross the river, reach out your hand and support each other over. So what if the others suck, stop decieving them and saying "Oh, as long as the others suck, we can slack too" You should instead be having the "Oh, we all need to work harder even though this is already an A grade" attitude. Just when the fuck is 15% good for a test score? Stop dragging your friends down too, you suffer for your own mistakes. Its their choice if they ultimately want to join u and "suffer" together.

Think about it, the world isn't about being just YOU, you and you. Its about you, him/her and me. Make the world a better place, help one another, treat others better and most importantly stop being fucktards.
Working solo? Yea its possible, but whats your cost?
Lonely hated fucker


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