Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm ill and I don't like it

Come to think of it. Who does?
Sure, people want to be "sick" and not attend lesson/work/whatever but then after they really fall ill then it goes downhill from there.

With the amount of phlegm I'm expelling from my body I think I can really fill up a small bucket up with dark yellow and brownish phlegm.
Heard from CY that theres a "super viral causing sore throat going around" which when literally read it means the sore throat causes viral infection when it should be the other way round. =/

Holidays are here and here I am starting it off by falling ill. Good job CMPB, go there for medical checkup and the other soon-to-be recruits transmit illnesses during the vocational test. Idiots should have just set another date for the medical check up if they were ill.
Oh and I was one of the fastest in completing the vocational tests which tested mostly on IQ. (Must mean I'm the smartest, the batch that started before me haven't even finished the test)

Oh and I'm Pes B.

You will be assigned with a "Physical Employment Status" (PES) when you report to CMPB for your medical Examination prior to your enlistment.
It should be noted that the PES of an individual will determine his vocation while in service.The details of PES are given below:

Pes A Fit for all operational vocations (Full BMT)

Pes B Fit for most operational vocations (Full BMT)

Pes BP Fit for 4 months full BMT (applicable only to obese recruits)

Pes C Fit for some operational vocations (Modified BMT)-Further subdivided into:
PES C1 Required to take IPPT but can be excused up to 2 static stations in IPPTPES
C2 Do not have to take IPPT except Regulars who are required to take Alternative Aerobic Fitness Test (AAFT)
PES C9 Servicemen not required to take IPPTPES C grading will be followed by the L-Code (Land Deployability Code) as follows:
L1 Fit for field duties including front-line duty
L2 Fit for field duties but only in Unit HQ or rear areas
L3 Fit for operational duties at Bases only. Not fit for field duties / exercises

Pes D Temporary unfit for grading and pending further review

Pes E Fit for administrative duties only-Further subdivided into:
PES E1 Able to participate in simple observance parades and LIFE activities
PES E9 Unfit for any form of physical activities

PES E grading will be followed by the L-Code (Land Deployability Code) as follows:
L3 Fit for operational duties at Bases only. Not fit for fieldduties/exercises
L9 Suitable for peacetime sedentary duties at Bases. Not fit for operational duties even in Bases

Pes F Medically unfit for any form of service


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