Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Spore's DRM sucks

DRM basically is something that forces you to validate if your product is GENUINE and not pirated. Eg, cd key, online activation

EA has the best ever DRM scheme ever. Its so fucked up that they force people to buy their games AGAIN.
Okay, why so negative?

Spore has a cd key which must be validated online, ok nothing wrong. You are allowed to install the game only 3 times in total for the rest of your life. Okay, nothing wron.. FUCK YOU EA.

So Timmy's dad buys the game, installs it in his workstation, then goes home and installs it on Timmy's computer. Hes left with one install left. So does it go to Mom or Whiney-little-sister-of-a-brat or cousin-who-lives-with-them. What if their computer broke down and they need to reinstall spore more than 3 times? Call customer support and tell them that u need to get +1 installs for your spore!
PROBLEM! When your phone is on hold for technical support, it takes fucking long before u get a response. So what can you do while waiting on hold? Nothing but hold the phone.

Ok thats silly but the point is who the fuck wants to be limited by 3 fucking installs of a game u paid for just to prevent priacy. Heck, Spore was already on bittorrent days before its official release date. EA's piracy control is definately working.
I think I'd rather stick pirated than original, EA is just plain stupid and stupid people don't get my money.

Psst. I don't pay for games and probably never will till I get an income.


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